So I've been a bit busy. Well, a bit is an understatement, but I still had time to finish the Story Mode in Hyrule Warriors. I have to say, it's a really entertaining game. As mentioned in my post last week, it succeeds because it doesn't try to do too much with it's core gameplay and builds around it in interesting ways. Getting loot, skill trees, leveling...the systems aren't anything too extravagant, but they're good enough and pull together well to make it a lot of fun. There is still a lot of game there to play with the Adventure Mode, and I'll probably continue playing it off and on.
I got my New 3DS on Friday, and picked up both Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and Majora's Mask. I had to think about what I was really tracking for completion in regards to my backlog, and I decided that when I talk about completing games, I'm really thinking about games that have a generally single player, narrative driven experience. So, for instance, a game like Minecraft wouldn't count against purchases. That actually applies to the only other game I've purchased this year, GRAV. So I'm going to remove it. Maybe that's cheating? Ah well. I'm still going to track all the purchases here, but label them differently. With my focus on actually playing things, I'll still hopefully end up above even.
Since MH4U isn't really a game with an end, I'm not going to count it against purchases. Majora's Mask, however, does count. I haven't started Majora's Mask, and I actually never played it on the N64. I'm really looking forward to it. It will have to wait, though, as MH4U is going to get a majority of my time. Look forward to this coming weekend, in which I expound the reasons why I love Monster Hunter as a series, and what the new one does to make it even better.
Currently Playing: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Games Completed: 3 (The Longest Journey, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Hyrule Warriors)
Games Purchased (SP/Narrative): 1 (Majora's Mask)
Other Games Purchased: GRAV, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Net Total: +2
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