Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 14: Pillars of Eternity

So I received my new laptop, and it's really nice. Pretty much replaced my home PC at this point, with no loss of quality in games. I'll need an external hard drive, but for now I'm good. True to my word, the first game I played on the system was Pillars of Eternity. Boy, what a game the guys over at Obsidian made.

Pillars of Eternity is well-known for being one of the most funded video game Kickstarter projects, with the goal being to make an RPG that was reminiscent of the older Black Isle Infinity Engine games, such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment. I'm here to tell you that they greatly succeeded at their goal. It's a product of the past brought forward in time, designed with knowledge of present design sensibilities. In many ways, its a refinement of those titles I listed previously. I always felt that the combat in IWD was better than BG, simply because it was less slavish to 2nd Ed. D&D than BG was. Being completely free from a system designed to be used in a tabletop experience for PoE makes it even better.

I know some people hate Real-time with Pause. I know some people picked a class they didn't like and thus they didn't have a good initial experience. Whatever. PoE has been consuming almost all my free time. Hell, I was even playing it while waiting for certain things to pop in FFXIV. I'm ~10 hours in playtime in, and I haven't even gone to the first of two major cities yet. The game seems enormous. I'm very early in the main plot thread, too, and have mainly been doing side quests. I love, love, love this game.

I've played a little Marvel Heroes 2015 in the past few days, as I had the itch for something mindless. Also did some more FFXIV and finally upgraded my chest armor on my healer. Yay? As for Bloodborne, it's still being played. I even did a Share Play for @Chupacaubrey to get her to the first boss so that we could eventually co-op.

In non-digital gaming news, I picked up the Age of Ultron Heroclix starter, as my daughter requested that we play, "that super heroes miniatures game again." Needless to say, I'll always oblige when asked something like that.

Currently Playing: Pillars of Eternity, Final Fantasy XIV, Bloodborne, Marvel Heroes 2015
Games Completed: 4 (The Longest Journey, Final Fantasy XIII-2, Hyrule Warriors, Ori and the Blind Forest)
Games Purchased (SP/Narrative): 3 (Majora's Mask, Ori and the Blind Forest, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, Bloodborne)
Other Games Purchased: GRAV, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Net Total: 0

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