Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Warmachine 3: GAME ON!

So tonight we played our first real game of Warmachine with the Battlebox armies. I'd played a game with the wife over the weekend, but it was more just trying to learn the ropes a bit better. Tonight, my son and I threw down. He played Khador while I played Menoth.

So, in Warmachine, you have a Warcaster, which is essentially the chess equivalent to the queen and king combined. So they are your most powerful unit, and most important. If they die, you lose. They are what power your Warjacks, which are the big robots. They give them focus (which you'll often see on the table as the glass beads) in order to let them do cool things.

Menoth Warcaster
So, quick timeout. I'm not super happy with how my Menoth guys turned out. They're OK, but could be a lot better. If anything, they actually have given me the drive to continue and learn proper shading that isn't the quick dip method. Now back to the game!

Going over the rules
Each unit in the army has different values for things like movement and attacks. Speed, for instance, is how many inches a unit can move. There are all sorts of things units can do, and if you want to know more about how to play you can check out the quick start rules here:


From here on out, it's going to be pictures of our game. You'll see who wins at the end.

Armies deployed and ready to play

Ian making sure his setup is good

My initial setup

Ian contemplating his move

Ian moving units forward. RUN!

Moving his warcaster to ensure that they stay within range to give his Warjacks focus

My light warjack up against one of his. I ended up taking out his movement console with a charge attack plus melee attack

Good, up close picture of the fully touched up Khador jack

Rolling to see if he is going to hit


So yeah, my light warjack is not in a good place after a charge attack from his man-o-war infantry units (not funny, he died after this)

So I took out one of his man-o-war with a ranged area-of-effect attack (think an explosive blast) then decided to roll my warcaster within range to using the spell Cleansing Fire, which /should/ have really hurt the entire infantry unit, as they were clumped up. Yeah, that didn't work, leaving my warcaster out in the open with nothing to do. Oh, and he was within charging range of the man-o-war units. Oops.

High Exemplar Kreoss, wondering if he chose the right direction in life

Apparently not 
And your winner!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had some fun!!

    Ryan I think those Menoth look great. White is a difficult color for suyre. Maybe a bit more anti-shine and a drybrush at the most.

    Next up we need to talk about your basing :)
