Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Warmachine, Part 2: Painting Khador

So as I mentioned last time, I was priming based on the colors I'd be painting the minis. First up was Khador, since they were colors that were easier to paint than white.

Now, I want to mention again, this is my first attempt at actually painting minis, and I'm also painting to just get them what is considered table ready. Neither of these armies are going to end up being ones that any of my family members use, so perfection is not required here. Just getting something that looked decent was the goal. Oh, and I used cheap paint too. (blasphemy!)

So here is the first Khador jack I painted, but before I'd done any touch up work or the "dip method" (which I will explain in a minute)

And here is the entire Khador army prior to dipping.

Now, dipping is a quick method used to shade minis. While more experienced painters will use a wash to get down into grooves and make the mini "pop" as it were, people like me or those painting a ton of things will use the dip method to do it. To dip, you go buy a can of this:

There are a few ways people do it. Some people take their mini, submerge it in the liquid, then shake it around to get the excess off. Some people attach their mini to a drill to get it off. No, seriously:

Me? I brush it on. You end up with a very glossy mini.

To get rid of the shine, you use some matte finish.

Stay tuned for next time, in which the Protectorate of Menoth warjack takes a mud bath (oops)

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