I've decided I try to do too many things. Last year, I signed up for a 52/52 movies/books challenge, and that failed miserably. Not because I don't like watching movies or reading books, but because I also like playing video & board games on top of spending time with my family & friends. So while I do enjoy all these things, I realize that I need to focus, as when I spread out among all the things I really don't get to do enough of any of them. Spending time with the family isn't going to go away, ever; and neither are video & board games, so I'm going to prioritize those this year. Some might scoff at this, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to read, or that I'm not going to go to movies, but I have a serious backlog problem with games and this year I plan to deal with it. Well, at least parts of it. I have no delusions of clearing up the entirety of it, but I need to make it better.
I've enacted some rules on myself for this year when it comes to video games.
1) I Can Only Purchase a New Game if I Have a Positive Completed Number
What I mean by this is that, with the exception being getting a game at a great price for pre-ordering via my Best Buy Gamers Club or Steam/GMG sale, with each game I purchase I have a "credit" for which to buy a new game. Any of the ones I get as deals take this "credit" into the negative, with a max of -3, which is a totally arbitrary number I picked but will stick to. As of now, I'm completely even with 0 purchased and 0 completed in 2015.
2) If I Can't Decide What to Play, I'll Ask Something/Someone to Tell Me
Generally, if I get a new game, that should be what I make my current active game. As I mentioned above though, my backlog is pretty epic, with many games that I haven't completed really making me a bad person. I'm using Backloggery to keep track of things, and while this isn't extensive, it's a list of games I have that I WANT to complete. Here is my backloggery page http://www.backloggery.com/piratepwnsninja
Part of the issue with having such a huge backlog is that I get decision paralysis when choosing what to play. To kick things off, I used Backloggery's random game picker to tell me what to play. If people that read my blog/post on my FB have recommendations for what I should be playing, they can send them to me.
3) I Will Update My Blog With Progress
Each week, I'm going to post about what I played and/or completed. Maybe multiple times a week, maybe not; but at least once a week.
So this is my post for Week 1.
Currently Playing - The Longest Journey
Games Completed - 0
Games Purchased - 0
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