Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 3: The Longest Journey COMPLETED

So I finished my first game of 2015, which was The Longest Journey. Here is my quick review.

The Longest Journey was released in 1999, towards the end of the traditional point & click adventure game era. For this, it suffers from some very obtuse puzzles, but ultimately the narrative is quite good and pulled me through it. For a game released in 1999, it would still be considered very progressive. Female lead character who isn't afraid to call out sexism, dealing with an abusive household, classicism, and more. I look forward to playing Dreamfall at some point in the future. Four out of Five Guybrush the Dancing Monkeys.

In other news, they announced the release date for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. February 13th, so I'm going to be trying to finish Final Fantasy XIII-2 before it hits. Depending on which friend I ask, XIII-2 is either great or horrendous. I'll find out myself, starting now. But Monster Hunter 4, that's a game that I will play for a long time. It is just such a satisfying experience, but I'll talk more about that in a later post.

Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII-2, Grav, FF Theaterhythm: Curtain Call, Monster Hunter 4 Demo
Games Completed: 1
Games Purchased: 1
Net Total: 0

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